Within the womb, the baby’s urinary activity is evidenced by the presence of urine in the amniotic fluid. The baby usually Voids during delivery or immediately after birth, but the function may be suppressed for several hours. However, if the baby does not void within 24 hours, the condition should be reported to the doctor. He may need to check the baby for an obstruction in his lower urinary tract. After the first two or three days the baby voids from 10 to 15 times a day
A newborn baby’s actions are mostly reflex actions. Newborn infants can suck and swallow, move their arms and legs, and cry to make their needs known. When lying in bed, they often curl up in a position like the one they had in the womb. If startled by a loud noise or sudden jolt, they jerk their arms and legs in a reflex action called the startle reflex. Over the first few days, they very quickly learn to co-ordinate their sucking, swallowing and breathing. They also automatically turn towards a nipple or teat if it is brushed against one cheek, and their mouths open if their upper lip is stroked. Newborn babies can also grasp things, like a finger, with either hands or feet, and will make stepping movements if they are held upright on a flat surface. All these automatic responses, except of course sucking, are lost within a few months and your baby will begin to make controlled movements instead.
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