Monday, May 21, 2007



The circumference of chest is about 3 cm less than the head circumference at birth. The two become equal by one year and from here on the chest circumference grows at a faster pace than the head circumference.


The lower central incisors are the first teeth to appear, usually between the ages of five to eight months. The corresponding upper teeth appear about a month later and the lateral incisors (the tooth next to central incisor) usually appear within the next three months. The first molars appear around the age of 12 or 15 months.


As the baby grows, he begins to control his body better. He also goes through a socio-personal development and learns to adapt himself to the environment. This maturation of different functions (milestones) occurs at a predictable age, within the range of a few months, and is a good guide to baby’s progress. Here’s the road to progress:

Six to eight weeks looks at mother and smiles.

Three months can hold his head erect.
Recognizes his mother.
Four to five months begins to reach out for objects.
Recognizes mother.
Six to eight months can sit without support.
Experiments with noises.
Can transfers objects from one hand to another
Enjoys hide and seek.
Enjoys watching his image in the mirror.
Nine to ten months starts crawling.
Can make increasing range of sounds.
Releases objects. Tends to be suspicious of strangers.

Ten to eleven months can stand with support. Can pull him up from the
supine to sitting position.
Can creep on the floor.
Begins to utter his first words.

12th to 14th months Begins to walk with a wide base. Tries to feed himself with a spoon. Can build a tower of two blocks.

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