Monday, May 21, 2007



The well baby clinic doctor will also immunize your baby against certain serious illnesses. In the first year, your baby will be immunized against tuberculosis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. These are all dangerous diseases and can cause permanent damage to a child’s health or can even kill. Immunization gives the child a complete protection against these diseases except in the case of tuberculosis. You may also immu8ise your baby against other illnesses, such as measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis and meningitis.


Vaccine due age due date given on
BCG At birth
OPV (1) + HEP B (1) At birth
HEP B (2) 4 weeks
DPT (1) + OPV (2) + HIB (1) 8 weeks
DPT (2) + OPV (3) + HIB (2) 12-14 weeks
DPT (3) + OPV (4) + HIB (3) 18-20 weeks
Measles + OPV +HEP B (3) 8-9 months
Chicken Pox (optional) 12-18 months
MMR 15-18 months
HIB (booster) 15-18 months
DPT + OPV (1st booster) 18-24 months
Hepatitis-A vaccine (optional) 2 years
Typhoid shot 3 years
DPT + OPV (2nd booster) 5 years
Hepatitis-A (optional) 5 years
MMR (unless both Meals & MMR
Have been given) 5 years
Typhoid Oral 6 years
Typhoid Oral 9 years
Tetanus 10 years
Chicken Pox Vaccine 10 years
(If vaccine has not been
administered earlier and there is no
past history of chicken pox)
Typhoid Oral 12 years
Tetanus Toxoid (TT) 16 years

DPT Diptheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus
OPV Oral Polio vaccine
MMR Measles, Mumbs, Rubella (German measles)
BCG Tuberculosis vaccine
HIB Hemophilus Influenza B Vaccine (meningitis vaccine)
HEP B Hepatitis B vaccine
Varicella Vaccine Chicken Pox vaccine
If any of the vaccines are missed, you should talk to th doctor. Mostly, the vaccine can still be given.


Before vaccinating the child, you should inform the doctor if your child:
Is unwell in any way
Has ever had fits or convulsions
Has had a reaction to the last dose
Has a past history of any allergies
Has any chronic or serious disease

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