Monday, May 21, 2007

head,height circumference


You can give the baby a normal diet. Roti, rice, dal, upma, idli, non-vegetarian foods and fruits can be offered.
You should take the baby to a nearby will baby clinic for follow up advice. Such clinics are run both by the government and by private practitioners. On each visit the baby will be weighed and record will be kept of the amount of weight he gains. This is one way to check that the baby is feeding will and thriving.

At most will baby clinics, adequate facilities are available for baby’s immunization and development checks and tests. The doctor will check your baby’s health and progress from time to time and you can share your concerns with him.


During the first three months, the baby should gain between 150 to 200 gm in weight per week.
From here on and till his first birthday, he should gain approximately 400 gm in weight every month. Thus, at five months of age, a baby usually doubles his birth weight, and triples it by his first birthday. This gain in weight is one good indicator of baby’s health and development. if the baby is not gaining
In weight or is slow to gain weight, this must be taken note of and a child specialist should be


On an average, the baby measures 50 cm at birth; 60 cm at three months, 70 cm at nine months and 73 to 75 cm at one year of age.


At birth the baby’s bead circumference is more than his chest circumference and is about 35 cm. it increases to 40 cm by the time he is three months and is about 45 cm on his first birthday.

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